Wednesday, March 9, 2011


Hey everyone! Morey Bibliophage here finally! Yeah, I've been gone for quite a while. As this is not a personal blog, I won't tell you about life and stuff. I will, however, tell you that I haven't been giving reviews because I've been in school for the past few months, and have been too busy. No, I'm not giving up on this journal. I have too much fun writing reviews on bad books. At this moment, I'll be writing reviews whenever I find a book so horrible to be given a review. What this means is I'll be writing reviews whenever I get around to it, so it'll be unpredictable.

I will be putting up another review in a couple of weeks though. Why a couple of weeks? Because I had to do a review for my English class, and I decided to write it on a shitty book. I won't be putting up the review until my English teacher returns my paper so I won't get a zero for plagiarism (because I never plagiarized). There will be something new posted on this blog!

Maybe if I'm nice (meaning I'm not distracted with spring break), I'll post something (meaning anything) up next week. We shall see. Until then, I'm Morey Bibliophage, reviewing it to relieve stress.

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