Friday, October 28, 2011

A Change to the Blog

Hey my audience I'm wonder would be here. I know I haven't posted in a long time. This is why I am talking. As of late, I have been busy with school, family, and my writing. When I have time to read, I want to read something well written. I'm not going to give up on writinng reviews. I love writing reviews. I'll just be writing those when I do find something worth reviewing.

As such, I believe it would be beneficial to change this blog around so that it could fit life at the moment. So from now on, I will be focusing on more lgbt oriented things. I'll write about news I hear, books about lgbt issues, and reviewing books that I find.

with this change, I can write more about the things I care about. I would be able to talk about  laws being promoted, attacks being made, and link you to petitions and activities you would be interested in. Along side that, I would be able to talk about the book I'm writing and be able to promote books I enjoy, movies I liked, and promote my mom's business.

Yeah the title sort of sucks. I'll change it along with other things at another time. I'm on my tablet right now, and trying to do everything on it would get me too frustrated. I'll try to post something tomorrow or the next day. Ta!

Morey Bibliophage

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