Thursday, November 3, 2011


Hey everyone. I have two things to post about today. First off, my laptop is currently unavailable. It was breaking, so it has been sent to the manufacturer to be fixed. I do have my tablet though. I'll try the best I can to add links and fix grammar. It may not be perfect. I should have my laptop back by sometime next month.

I have tried to write something lgbt related, but it was messing up so I'll try to write something tomorrow. until next time. :)

Monday, October 31, 2011

Have a Gay Halloween

Hey Everyone! How has this Halloween morning been? I have three subjects to talk about - all Halloween related.

First. early Sunday, the Facebook page; Wipe out Homophobia on Facebook had uploaded a picture on of their members had sent them. As can be seen from the link, it is a picture of a pamphlet before an Anoka Halloween parade telling people to divert their children's eyes from an LGBT float.

This is all kinds of insult and stupidity. Children do not become gay from looking at gay oriented things. Also, what the hell does "superheroes" have to do with the LGBT float? The people in the parade will dress-up however they wish to dress up no matter if they are gay or straight.

Another thought along with that is would these people tell others to avert their children's eyes from women in sexy costumes or men wearing penis affiliated costumes? If so, why is it not on this pamphlet. With their logic of turning into something just by looking at it, wouldn't just looking at these sort of costumes turn children into sex fiends? (no)

Now to the second part. You probably have heard in recent weeks of a church trying to make Halloween more Jesus oriented. What is their reasoning? Halloween is evil. Seriously? I know we all heard this throughout the years. I first heard it from either my fifth grade teacher or my sixth grade teacher. Apparently these religions don't read local newspapers or google the origin of Halloween. Here is a summary from about Halloween:

Straddling the line between fall and winter, plenty and paucity, life and death, Halloween is a time of celebration and superstition. It is thought to have originated with the ancient Celtic festival of Samhain, when people would light bonfires and wear costumes to ward off roaming ghosts. In the eighth century, Pope Gregory III designated November 1 as a time to honor all saints and martyrs; the holiday, All Saints’ Day, incorporated some of the traditions of Samhain. The evening before was known as All Hallows’ Eve and later Halloween. Over time, Halloween evolved into a secular, community-based event characterized by child-friendly activities such as trick-or-treating. In a number of countries around the world, as the days grow shorter and the nights get colder, people continue to usher in the winter season with gatherings, costumes and sweet treats.

There is more to the article at the link provided. As the summary states, there is nothing evil associated with Halloween. It was never an evil holiday. Along with that, what people do on Halloween are not evil. It is not evil to go door-to-door to get candy. It is not evil to dress up. It is not evil to go to haunted houses. It is not evil to watch horror movies. What is evil is intentionally causing harm to others.

Along with that, telling its members to dress in white and give out bibles takes away the fun from the holiday. I mean how many kids want to go to a house and all they get is a boring book with no pictures? It's like taking away the presents from Christmas or taking away the Easter eggs from Easter. Along the side of religion, not every single holiday celebrated has to be Jesus oriented. There can be holidays that don't have to deal with Christianity. Leave Halloween as it is: a holiday to dress up and get free candy that people of all ages can celebrate.

Now to my final comment. What does everyone plan to dress up as for Halloween, or do you dress up? My costume this year is a fox-angel. I bought the wings, and my mom made my ears, tail, and shirt. Let me tell you, finding fur that is similar to fox fur, yet cheap is hard. We ended up going to four fabric stores before finding one  that looked similar to fox fur. Maybe next time I could choose to be a cat. That way all I would need is black velvet.

Well, that's about all. Have a fun and safe Halloween!

Friday, October 28, 2011

A Change to the Blog

Hey my audience I'm wonder would be here. I know I haven't posted in a long time. This is why I am talking. As of late, I have been busy with school, family, and my writing. When I have time to read, I want to read something well written. I'm not going to give up on writinng reviews. I love writing reviews. I'll just be writing those when I do find something worth reviewing.

As such, I believe it would be beneficial to change this blog around so that it could fit life at the moment. So from now on, I will be focusing on more lgbt oriented things. I'll write about news I hear, books about lgbt issues, and reviewing books that I find.

with this change, I can write more about the things I care about. I would be able to talk about  laws being promoted, attacks being made, and link you to petitions and activities you would be interested in. Along side that, I would be able to talk about the book I'm writing and be able to promote books I enjoy, movies I liked, and promote my mom's business.

Yeah the title sort of sucks. I'll change it along with other things at another time. I'm on my tablet right now, and trying to do everything on it would get me too frustrated. I'll try to post something tomorrow or the next day. Ta!

Morey Bibliophage

Saturday, June 25, 2011

New York Marriage Equality

I know I haven't posted a review since March. I have a review written down and will post eventually. What I'd like to talk about today is what has just recently happened in New York. Last night 33 senators passed a law that made it legal for gay and lesbians to get married in New York. Right after that voted, the governor signed the bill into law making New York the sixth state where gay marriage is legal.

This is a great victory for both New York and the LGBT community. What has happened is telling the gay and lesbian community that their love is equal to those of straight couples. It tells New York that everyone in America is equal and deserving of equal rights as is written in the constitution.

Those of us in the LGBT community are human as well. We bleed the same blood as our fellow humans. We are not diseases. We are not freaks or abnormal. Our love is not a disorder. Loving the same gender is just as normal as our hair color, skin color, height, size, and emotions. We can hide these thing, but it will always be a part of us.

There will always be those who will not understand, those who believe that homosexuality is a choice or disease. We must not let them get us down. We will always have to fight for equal rights. There will always be those who are treat less than equal. It might seem hard and frustrating, but it will get better. Soon, there will be marriage equality for gay and lesbian couple. We will be able to adopt children. We will finally be equal. New York was just one of many steps to take for this to be a reality.

As LGBT Pride Month nears its end, let us always take pride in who we are and love our friends, family, and significant others. Let's fight for our rights and smile all the way through.

Friday, March 25, 2011

Texan Summer Review

Note: I got a 90% on this review. :D
Disclaimer: I do not own this book.
On to the review!

Hello, I'm Morey Bibliophage. Deep in the darkest pits of our souls, we have our dark fetishes that would be considered taboo. One of those fetishes would be incest with twins. Normally, one would think that such a thing would be interesting to read in a psychological sense. Unfortunately, this book is not one of those books. Instead, this book is so bland and plot-less that twig cereal tastes better than this. This book is Texan Summer by William Cooper.

First, let us look at the cover. It is a picture of two guys sitting under a tree. It is just another bland picture being used as a cover. It tells us nothing about the story or the characters. It is just there.

Next, this book is short. It cannot be more than a hundred pages long. There are no chapters either, so it is simply a long short story. I am not saying that such stories are bad. I have read plenty of short stories that are just as good. It is just how short this story is hinders it badly. The story is too rushed to enjoy it completely. It reads as if you're being pushed forward by a cop through a crowded room.

Another problem with the story is that it is shallow. There is no plot and no antagonist. There are no layers to the story. I can summarize the entire book in just two sentences:

'Twins run away. They come back, and lived happily ever after.'

See? There is no filling to it. There is no conflict to the story. It is like the author wanted to write a story, but couldn't bear to harm one of his precious characters. You need conflict to further the story.
I think the biggest problem with this book is that it has a plot that would be about three hundred or so pages, and it is compacted to one hundred pages. Things that should be explained are not explained, and things that should have taken time were rushed. It is like taking a plane from Nixa to Springfield: too short to experience, and a waste of money.

Another problem with the book is that it suffers from telling instead of showing. What that means is instead of showing how the character is through actions and emotions shown, the writer tells their audience what the character is like. The problem with this is that what the author tells us is not always like what is shown. For instance, Collin; the narrator, tells us that he's an artist and he loves to draw his brother, but the only time we see him draw is when the author tells him to draw. There is no sketchbook always at his side or him always making small doodles. Hell, he does not itch to draw or get that distant glazed look an artist gets when they are figuring out how to draw something. It is just him telling us he likes drawing.

All of the characters are bland. They have no quirks or anything that makes them unique. The author tells us things about them (like Collin being overprotective with his brother), but (as mentioned before) the audience does not see it that way. We see a forgettable main character loving his forgettable brother while talking to his forgettable mother. These characters should not be bland or forgettable. They make the story interesting. It's the reason why stories like James Bond and Indiana Jones are a part of our film culture while Twilight is already dying. The first two have quirky characters with interesting stories while the last one had boring characters and a dull story.

As mentioned before, one would think that a story about gay twins who are in love with each other would be interesting, especially if the setting is in Texas. There are homophobic in today's world, and people that are grossed out by incest. A competent writer could take that subject matter, focus on the psychology of it, and challenge the audience's thought of morality. Instead, Cooper turned into a giggling 15 year old girl writing her first fanfiction about her favorite story, and not want anything bad happen to her favorite character. He treats the subject matter as a gay relationship in an area that is more understanding of gay people. That will not work with incest. I mean, when the brothers go back to Texas, they expect to be attacked by people. Instead, everyone in the town ignores the incest, and are cool with them being gay. No one confronts the twins about their relationship. No one has a serious talk about it. It is like the whole town forgot the fact that the twins are brothers.

Next thing to talk about is the amount of research Cooper did for the book. He did not do any
research. It is obvious he lacked research. The twins' father is in the hospital for a heart attack. When they ask their mom what was going on, she pretty much gave the excuse that she did not understand the doctor mumbo jumbo. This is the man's (who is having a heart attack) wife. It's sort of human nature that people will pay attention to what the doctor says when a loved one is in the hospital. Also with the whole doctor talk, doctors tend to translate what they said into English. What this means is Cooper was too lazy to go onto Google and search for information about heart attacks.

Well, if the story sucks, the characters are dull, the conflict lacking, and the lessons unlearned, then it must be a porno book. Unfortunately, it is not even that. There isn't a single sex scene in the entire book. The narrator just skips over the sex. He just says, “We made love” and blacks out to the next day.

In the end, Texan Summer was a badly written book. The only possible reason the Cooper even wrote it is to make a little bit of money off it. There is nothing in there that shows us he is a good and competent writer. It was not worth the money, battery, and time reading it. I would not recommend this book to anyone unless they want to lose brain cells by hitting their head against the wall repeatedly. For those who want to read a gay romance story where there is conflict, sex, and people actually being mean to the main characters, then just head on over to The Tin Star by J. L. Langley. You will lose less brain cells through her. This is Morey Bibliophage: remembering it for your entertainment.

Wednesday, March 9, 2011


Hey everyone! Morey Bibliophage here finally! Yeah, I've been gone for quite a while. As this is not a personal blog, I won't tell you about life and stuff. I will, however, tell you that I haven't been giving reviews because I've been in school for the past few months, and have been too busy. No, I'm not giving up on this journal. I have too much fun writing reviews on bad books. At this moment, I'll be writing reviews whenever I find a book so horrible to be given a review. What this means is I'll be writing reviews whenever I get around to it, so it'll be unpredictable.

I will be putting up another review in a couple of weeks though. Why a couple of weeks? Because I had to do a review for my English class, and I decided to write it on a shitty book. I won't be putting up the review until my English teacher returns my paper so I won't get a zero for plagiarism (because I never plagiarized). There will be something new posted on this blog!

Maybe if I'm nice (meaning I'm not distracted with spring break), I'll post something (meaning anything) up next week. We shall see. Until then, I'm Morey Bibliophage, reviewing it to relieve stress.